
Situated on four acres of land and home to over 80,000 people, Old Fadama is the biggest slum in Ghana and is one of the largest e-waste dumping grounds in the world .

Fadama Legal Assistance Program is a community operated legal service in the heart of Old Fadama for the people of Old Fadama. Our program is what happens when global citizens work together to make differenceWe stand up for Human Rights. Help us keep standing.

Our Mission Statement: To create a link between the residents of Old Fadama and the wider community by promoting the rule of law; by disseminating information about legal entitlements and human rights; and by providing the people of Old Fadama with access to remedies for legal problems and human rights abuses.

Our Vision Statement: Fadama Legal Assistance Program exists to improve the lives of the residents of Old Fadama by promoting equality – equality of human beings; equality before the law; and equality of access to information.

Thank you for your support!